July 13, 2012
Oroville Mercury Register
Dec 15, 1958
Rites Set for Cecil Carter
Corporal Cecil M. Carter, 20, Berry Creek
Marine who was killed in a helicopter crash near Niles, Calif.,
Dec. 9, will be buried with full military honors at Memorial Park
Cemetery Tuesday afternoon. Services will begin at Scheer Memorial
Chapel at 2 p.m., with Rev. Elton McPheters of Grace Baptist church
and a chaplain from the 12th Naval District officiating, Military
rites at the cemetery will follow with Marine Corps and Navy personnel
participating. Corporal Carter, the son of Mr. and Mrs. William
Carter, of Berry Creek, enlisted in the Marine Corps in January,
1957 following graduation from Oroville Union High School with the
class of 1956 At Oroville High he was active in the auto club. In
the Marine Corps, he complied an outstanding record. He was promoted
to Private first class before the normal six months for promotion
had elapsed along with five per cent of the outstanding graduates
from recruit training. His rifle marksmanship, leadership ability,
progress in training, attitude and conduct won him the Honor Man
Award for his platoon on finishing recruit training.
Stu- Cecil’s
Brother Doyle was in my OUHS class 1958
Oroville Mercury Register
Caption of Picture on Dec. 17, 1958.
Last Rites- The flag draped casket of Cpl Cecil M. Carter 20, son
of Mr. and Mrs. William Carter of Berry Creek, who was killed in
a Marine Corps Helicopter crash, Dec. 9, is carried to the veterans’
section of Memorial Park Cemetery by pallbearers from his unit.
A Marine Corps honor guard lines the roadway, and Navy Chaplain
Bruce Williams is seen leading the procession.(Stu- Cecil a
true hero of our Country)
Oroville Mercury Register
June 6, 1942 Soldier Buttons
Washington-(U.P.)- The senate military affairs committee
today approved a bill authorizing Secretary of War Stimson to design
a service flag, badge, and lapel button for families who have a
member in the armed service.
Oroville Mercury
Dec. 9, 1958 Caption of Picture
Newly Installed-to serve as officers of the Oroville chapter
of Gold Star Mothers during the coming year are, from left, standing:
Mmes. Irma Tieck, Chaplain; Mary Jensen, secretary, Mae Sampson,
second vice president; Irene Rowe, banner bearer, Seated, Mmes,
Carrey Gould, sergeant at arms: Mary Karr, president; Gertrude Morningstar,
musician; Bertha King, treasurer, Not present when the picture was
taken; Mary Campbell, first vice president; Mrs. Cleo Anderson,
banner bearer; Mrs. Mable Stuart historian; and Maxing Brown, color
guard. The recent installation ceremony was held jointly with the
Chico chapter.
Stu’s Notes: I first read years ago of a story about a young
soldier that died probably from Oroville but it was on the back
of a complete picture of the Gold Star Mothers of 1959 which I ran
again for my readers and I’m still hoping to get a road or a street
or avenue or boulevard named in Oroville for Pvt. Melvin Rowe, who’s
mother named above Irene Rowe, was given a street in Oroville (Rancho
Golden) then it was abandoned before houses were built.. Anyway
on the back of that Oroville Mercury Register picture was half a
picture showing the Pallbearers (Marine) and Flag draped casket
the name Mrs. William and the words Memorial Park. And below that
was EY’S and Snow flakes maybe a Penny’s add and close to Christmas
and someone had written 1959 on the back. A lot of clues but still
no soldier’s name, being very busy at the time (what’s new about
that) I put this information aside and went on with easier stories
as time went by I kept running across that picture. As I don’t have
time to go to the library I thought I’ll give all these clues to
Joan Lee or Jan Bales, my trusted researchers, well the above story
was soon found which I very busily set aside, well guess what, looking
for something else I refound it and the above is it. (Is that a
dangling participle?) Oh well so be it. Looking at old note’s I
found that is was Jan Bales that solved the Mystery.
Thank you Jan, and the above pictures that led to all this came
from Nancy Wilson who lost her brother Cpl. Everett “Cotton” Karr
KIA in Korea October 16, 1951, his mother was Mary Karr listed in
the above Gold Star Mothers picture caption.
Well I guess we can thank the Senate Military Affairs committee
for the Blue Star Flags that we are flying in Oroville. In WWII
it was mostly hung as a banner in homes of service men and women..
Well the first flag we put up at the Veterans Memorial Hall and
was featured on the front page of this paper about a month or so
ago sadly was stolen. Why? Who would want to Honor a Soldier with
a stolen Flag. He is fighting for our free way of life, the thief
is just that a thief. Oh well, we will win and that flag will still
fly freely, look around town. Thank You Benny Brown’s Ford Dealership.