Oroville Mercury Register
January 22, 1944
“Some Gave All”
Butte Flier Dies In Crash
Sgt. Joseph N. Love, was one of 7 men killed when a B-24
Liberator bomber crashed in the desert near Blythe Army Air Base,
Co. it was announced today. Love, engineer of the plane, was the
son of Mrs. Leona N. Love. The heavy bomber was demolished when
it spun in three miles west of the base limits shortly after 10
o’clock last night. It has been on a routine combat training flight.
Two members of the 9-man crew escaped with injuries.
Oroville Mercury Register
January 22, 1944
In The Fight
(Please get pictures. The “in the fight” pictures file is overcrowded.
Will the owners of service men’s’ and women’s’ pictures left at
the Mercury please call for them, if the pictures have already appeared
in the column.)
Sharpshooter Of The Sky is Meeker’s New Title
Harry F. Meeker, son of Mrs. Ina P. Meeker of Center Street, was
recently graduated from the aerial gunnery school of the Army Air
Force at Harlingten Army Air Field. Along with his diploma, he received
a pair of aerial gunner’s wing’s and a promotion in grade. After
a delay en route t o visit relatives, he will join an aerial combat,
team, unless retained at Harlingten to serve as a gunnery instructor.
Williams Finishes His Basic Training
Cadet Charles F Williams of Route 3, Oroville, was graduated
recently from the basic flying training course at Marana Army Air
Field, Tucson, Ariz. He was ordered sent to an advanced flying school
to complete the last phase of his cadet training. He is the son
of Mrs. J. H. Coggan of Oroville. He attended Oroville high school.
Before entering the air corps he was employed in engineering work
in Marysville.
Hurlburt Has Birthday, Visits Kin While Here
George E. Hurlburt of the U. S. Navy recently spent a 15-day
furlough visiting here with his mother, Mrs. Gertrude Hurlburt,
and his brothers of Rt. 3 Oroville. While here, Hurlburt celebrated
his 19th birthday. He returned Jan. 17, to his station
in a naval hospital. On the day of Hurlburt’s return Cpl. George
Nall of the U. S. Army, uncle of the navy man, arrived home on furlough.
The two had a visit, the first in two years. While here, Hurlburt
also saw another uncle, Newton Rabedew of the U. S. Merchant Marine,
who was on leave here.
Oroville Mercury Register January 22, 1944
$100,000 Mark In Bonds Hit
The first $100,000 was attained today in Oroville’s war
fund drive. While it represented less than a seventh of the city’s
quota, workers’ regarded it an appreciable start in the campaign
to realize the city’s goal of $788,300. An $8000 purchase by Montgomery
Ward and Co. and the purchase of $200 worth of bonds by the State
theatre boosted Friday’s total sales, which amounted to $24,318.
Stu’s Notes: May 7, 2010, I used a story I found in the Oroville
Mercury dated September 8, 1944 about Harry Meeker hitch hiking
home after escaping from enemy territory in France. In less than
8 months he went to war, instead of being an instructor and got
shot down and hitched hiked home to Oroville. Things happen fast
in times of war. This is about all we know about Staff Sgt. Meeker
and I always hope to find more.
I’m always looking for help finding the rest of these Hero’s stories,
so call me if you can help. I also really need to have some one
research the Chico Register or Enterprise, two separate papers back
then. The papers I need are from June 1950 to 1954 for the Korea
War, we know so little about the Chico Men and Women who died in
that war. It is easy to go to the Library and look at the microfiche
and copy what you found. This research is so important for our Memorial.
We have other gaps that we need to look in to. Call me please if
you can help, Stu 533-8147.
There are still many “Forgotten” Heroes out there and soon actual
real, live dirt moving and building should start on our Memorial.
I know I’ve been saying this for years, but by golly the time is
near. The other men listed above, all we know is what you just read.
This is the first I‘ve found in the Old Mercury’s of the loss of
Sgt. Joseph N. Love of Stirling City. Surly he
had more in his family, although 65 years has gone by and most of
the parents of our young heroes that died in WWII have past on,
probably Uncles and Aunts also even brother’s and sister’s would
be in there 70’s or 80’s. We do hear from some of them. But most
WWII soldiers I write about, there little stories we find is all
we find about them. Most are just a faint memory. So tuck these
stories away somewhere so future generations can read what you’re
Thanks again to my Webmaster Daryl Autrey as all these stories are
forever floating around the World Wide Web. When Daryl and I are
gone, I’m sure, some one will carry on and keep the site going.
Oroville Supported the Bond Drives well.