Oroville Mercury October 5, 1942
In The Fight
Durham Graduate Now Air Force Bombardier
William H. Baber Jr., 22, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Hugh Baber of Chico,
was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the U. S. Air Forces,
upon graduation from Midland Army Flying school, Texas as a full
fledged bombardier. A graduate of Durham high school, the youth
was studying agricultural economics at the University of California
at the out break of war. He dropped from his classes one week after
Pearl Harbor to enlist in the service.
Wixoms See Son, Brother In Training
Mr. and Mrs. I Wixom of Thermalito and their son and daughter in
law, Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Wixom of Gray’s Flat have returned from
a trip to Salt Lake, Utah where they visited Wilton Wixom, son of
the I. Wixoms. The son, who is in the aviation branch of the service
trained as a machinist at Tulsa, Okla., and was then transferred
to Utah. He expects to leave soon for training at a gunnery school
in Las Vegas.
Kudo In Illinois
George Kudo, former Japanese resident of Palermo, is now a corporal
attached to Station Hospital Camp Grant, Ill., it was learned today
Marders Visits
Glenn Marders, pharmacists mate, third class, who is stationed at
Mare Island naval hospital, visited Mrs. Marders and his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Marders Sr. in Oroville over the weekend. Marders
recently enlisted in the navy.
Forrest Wixom To Leave For Seabees
Forrest Wixom, PGE employee here for 15 years, will leave at 1 p.m.
Monday for Rhode Island, where he will begin training for the Seabees
as an electrician
Ships mate second class, U. S. naval reserve. He has been employed
here as an apprentice lineman. He enlisted July 15 in San Francisco
and has been awaiting orders to report for preliminary training
in the navy’s construction battalion.
Service Man Visits Wife, Parents Here
Eugene Boehme, m. p. arrived Sunday from Camp Elliot, near San Diego,
for a short visit with his wife and parents Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Boehme
of Strawberry. Mrs. Eugene Boehme is employed in a local department
Weiners Have 3 in Army Service
Three relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Weiner, Montgomery Street,
are serving in the army. Pvt. Samuel Weiner, a brother of Weiner,
left Oroville last February to go into the service and is now at
Camp Livingston, La. He formerly was employed in Weiners clothing
store here. Pfc. George Browman, a brother of Mrs. Weiner, was inducted
in San Francisco in 1940, and is with the Army engineering corps
in Alaska. Another brother, Private David Browman, is in a coast
artillery unit. He entered the service four months ago.
Jack D. Rowe Studies How to Make Maps
Private Jack D. Rowe, 22, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rowe of Oroville,
is studying map making in the engineering corps of the army, at
Hammer Field, near Fresno. Rowe had been a member of PGE construction
gang for several years. He was graduated from Oroville high school
in 1940 A brother, Clarence Eugene Rowe, is at Camp Forrest, Tenn.
Stu’s Notes: One thing Oroville and Palermo can be proud of is
the service to their country of the Japanese-American’s. They went
to war when their families were put in camps, far away from home.
This is all I know of George Kudo, hopefully one of you will know
more and let me know. I have written in the past of the Tokuno Family
from Palermo and the Sakuma family of Oroville. Check out Looking
Back of October 31, 2003, our web site and read about Sgt. Tim T.
Tokuno and Sgt. Mamoru Sakuma who fought in the famous 442 Infantry
in Europe. I went to school with Edmond Tokuno, who has passed on,
and my brother Larry, had Doug Tokuno in his OHS Class of 56. Some
of the Wixom Family still live in Oroville, I need to find out more
about Wilton and Forrest. I have yet to write about them. Actually
I don’t know much about any of the above men. As I write this I
had a visit from 2 navy men, Oroville High Graduates of 1955, Jim
McDonald and Larry L. Martin. Jim spent 11 years and Larry 23 years
in the Navy. Jim on Subs and Larry on the aircraft carrier Oriskaney,
among other ships. I hope to get a story soon on both. Jim bought
Memorial tiles 1,2 &3 about 6 years ago.
The annual Halsey Barn Dance and Barbeque will be this Saturday,
August 16, Dinner served 6:30 -8:pm, the Dance will begin at 7:30
till late!. It is at 8001 Palermo Honcut Rd. Cost is $25 per person.
You can purchase tickets at the gate. I would like to thank Jim
Halsey for years he has put on this event and lets the American
Legion 95 run the concession’s with the money going to our Veterans
Memorial. I must say again to possible donors 99.9% of the money
we take in goes to the Memorial. No member takes a dime for what
they do including gas money etc. There is no free lunch for members.
We don’t even buy one for Bill Fox and he does so much.